Today’s 10 Best Food Processors – The Favorites

Fruits and vegetables ready for your favorite recipes
By Kathie FitzPatrick
Food processors are probably the most useful kitchen appliance around today. While processors have been around for decades, the number of brands and models available today is truly astonishing. This can be a huge problem though if you’re looking to buy. With so many different choices – it can be confusing.
The purpose of this article is to simplify the process for you. Here is a sampling of the Top 10 Food Processors–the favorites.
I’m convinced that a food processor is most valuable kitchen appliance anyone can own. I often wonder how I ever got along without one. If you don’t yet share this sentiment, it’s likely that you soon will because owning your own quality food processor will simplify your kitchen life.
What makes food processors so helpful?

Food Processors make chopping vegetables for your favorite recipes so much easier.

Breville Sous Chef Food Processor – 16 cup
A food processor saves you enormous amounts of time. When you think of all the work you do in the kitchen to prepare a meal, where is most of your time spent? Chances are you spend most of your time doing prep work. It’s the kind of stuff the professional chefs don’t have time for – that’s why they hire assistants to do the grunt work for them.
Processors have come a long way. The first generation of food processors transformed the cooking experience. Today they’re even better at performing a much wider variety of functions. They chop, grate, shred, mix and dice . With the right blade, you can make dough for bread, pizza, pies – and more.
While most people use food processors to prepare vegetables and fruits, you can also use it to slice pepperoni, grate cheese, or even make your own breadcrumbs to top off a lasagna or casserole.
Food processors are amazing in their ability to prepare fresh homemade salsas, hummus, veggies for coleslaw and other salads. Plus, they’re a real time saver when making other things such as soups, dips, and sauces.
You can use a food processor to make your own curry paste, or to prepare incredible salads with finely chopped vegetables, or stews with a slightly larger cut.
You can even make your own nut butters and create healthy spreads. Chop fresh nuts to top off desserts – or to add to cereals or salads. You can also make homemade salad dressings that taste incredible are super fresh – without any additives.
The sky is the limit with a capable food processor like those below. The time they save you in the kitchen will make a huge difference in your meal preparation. You’ll be inspired to try new dishes because of the time saved with your new appliance.
Now let’s take a look at the top 10 food processors available.